Can you eat cookies and lose weight?

 The concept of healthy cookies may sound ironic to many. Most of us do not ever consider cookies in our healthy snacks list. Cookies conventionally symbolize tons of processed sugar and unwanted calories. However, to the surprise of most of you, there are select places where you can get healthy cookies to munch upon guilt-free. Moreover, you might wonder if you can get healthy cookies for weight loss. Well, the good news is that you indeed can find them quickly delivered to your doorstep. 

Initially, if healthy cookies for weight loss seem indigestible to you, let us help you achieve some clarity. Our team can help you move towards a healthier you more pleasurable way. Kikibix has one of a kind range of yummy homemade healthy cookies for you. Our cookies stand as unique creations crafted by renowned pediatricians and food experts. 

The magic of healthy cookies for weight loss lies in the recipe and preparation technique. We want to keep folks away from empty calories. Thus, we have added the wholesome goodness of different naturally available ingredients. At Kikibix, we prepare our tasty and healthy cookies using whole grains and high-quality nuts. Here we have some key highlights of our Kikbix cookies that make them ideal for healthy cookies for weight loss.

healthy cookies for weight loss

Use of whole grains

The use of whole grains and pulses like Jowar, Oats, Sattu, and Ragi is much better than refined wheat flour. They do not contain much gluten and keep our gut healthier. The high fiber and fewer carbs content of these whole grain flours again aid in shedding the stubborn kilos from your body. Nutritious grains such as Oats and Ragi have received backing from both ancient Ayurvedic practitioners and modern scientists. The inculcation of these whole grains in “so-called” unhealthy bites like cookies is revolutionary. Furthermore, such elements also help in empowering your immune system. We have altered the realm of healthy snacks using high-standard elements like Bran and Jowar flour in our cookies. 

The addition of the golden glory of Ghee

The makers of most typical cookies use processed butter in their preparation process. However, Kikibix’s healthy cookies get enriched with the glorious wonders of Ghee. Ancient gurus have revered desi ghee as an elixir. It is loaded with healthy fatty acids that actually support weight loss. Omega 3, Vitamin E, and Vitamin A in ghee further offer heartful advantages to our bodies. Ghee is also fruitful for glowing skin. This golden liquid acts as a great alternative to the not-so-healthful commercial butter. We have infused the wondrous ghee in our cookies to help you get healthy snacks on the go.     

The goodness of gud and honey

Gud or jaggery is indeed good for your health. A superior replacement to refined sugar, Kikibix uses gud to add a touch of sweetness to our cookies. Organic honey and gud has digestive enzymes that accelerate your metabolism. Improved metabolic processes inside your body will surely boost weight shedding. Its fibre concentration lowers the issue of constipation too. The presence of trace minerals in such ingredients again offer increased benefits like regulated blood pressure and detoxification. All and all, gud and honey based cookies from Kikibix are truly among the must have healthy snacks.      

The delight of dark chocolates

Cookies feel incomplete without the tinge of chocolate. Most see chocolates as a fattening agent. However, the chocolate component of Kikibix cookies is different. We use high-quality dark chocolate that comprises monosaturated fats. They assist in cutting healthy fats and stimulate satiety enabling you to control your diet. 

Love of dry fruits and nuts

Kikibix’s healthy cookies have the blessing of nuts and dryfruits like pistachios, walnuts, dried cranberries, and figs. Each of these ingredients come with loads of plus pointers for your body. One of the prominent merits is that of supporting weight reduction. 

We all seek healthy and tasty alternatives that can satisfy our hunger pangs without adding to our waistline. Healthy snacks stand as one of them. Apart from portion control, we need to focus on the type of food we consume. The consumption of our exquisitely prepped healthy cookies can be a top choice for you if you are watching your weight. They feel like homemade healthy cookies. We have a diverse range of such snacks that can cater to all types of palettes. What’s more? Kikibix healthy cookies for weight loss are available at competent prices. Buy your pick of healthy cookies from us now!


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